根据评委团的评定结果杨晨同学(Effect of salinity on cadmium tolerance, ionic homeostasis and oxidative stress responses in conocarpus exposed to cadmium stress: Implications for phytoremediation)获得优秀奖。
陈亚兰:Development of a method for protonema proliferation of peat moss (Sphagnum squarrosum) through regeneration analysis
杨晨:Effect of salinity on cadmium tolerance, ionic homeostasis and oxidative stress responses in conocarpus exposed to cadmium stress: Implications for phytoremediation
关小羽:Molecular basis of fruit maturation
李慧:NADK2 positively modulates abscisic acid-induced stomatal closure by affecting accumulation of H2O2, Ca2+ and nitric oxide in Arabidopsis guard cells
获奖者 杨晨