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时间:2021-11-10    作者:

内蒙古大学生命科学学院牧草与特色作物生物学教育重点实验室哈达团队在植物学国际知名期刊 Plant Physiology 上发表了《 A cluster of atypical resistance genes in soybean confers   broad-spectrum antiviral activity》为题的研究论文,博士生闫婷、硕士生周子凯、王茹为共同第一作者。本研究是在内蒙古自治区科技计划项目(2020GG0045, 201802061)、国家自然科学基金(31570142)、内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(2017MS0330)和内蒙古自治区创新指导项目(KCBJ2018001)资助下完成。

大豆(Glycine max)是重要的豆类作物。内蒙古自治区是我国大豆的主产区,在我国大豆产业的发展中有着举足轻重的地位。大豆花叶病毒 (SMV) 是一种严重的大豆病害。如何提高植物的抗病能力、提高农作物的产量是重要命题,而利用现代分子生物学技术研究并培育抗病的作物品种是一种选择。在本研究中,团队鉴定了包含五个抗性 (R) 基因的大豆SMV抗性簇 (SRC)。SRC1编码TIR-NBS(Toll/白细胞介素-1 受体和核苷酸结合位点)蛋白,SRC4和SRC6编码具有短的EFh结构域的TIR 蛋白,而 SRC7和SRC8编码TNX(TIR-NBS-X),在其C端具有非典型BSP(基本分泌蛋白)结构域的蛋白质。SRC7对多种植物病毒具有广谱抗病毒活性,包括SMV、李痘病毒(PPV)、马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)和烟草花叶病毒(TMV)。本研究鉴定了SRC7的 功能结构域,同时阐明了转录和转录后的调节机制。目前单个抗性基因的报道较多,但是作为基因座的形式多个抗性基因协同作用的报道较少。因此团队后期研究中将重点解析多个抗病基因的协同机制及其遗传变异,具有重要科学意义。

原文链接: https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiab507

哈达教授课题组近期也在病毒学主流期刊 Viruses 上发表了题为 “ Expression of an Antiviral Gene GmRUN1 from Soybean Is Regulated via Intron-Mediated Enhancement (IME) ” 的研究论文。博士生刁鹏飞为第一作者。

Antiviral activity of SRC7. A, Domain architecture of SRC7. Blue, red, and yellow boxes indicate TIR, NBS, and BSP domains, respectively. B, Transient expression assay for antiviral activity. Nicotiana benthamiana leaves were infiltrated with A. tumefaciens GV3101 inocula (OD600 = 1.0) carrying different recombinant vectors, and co-infected with TMV-GFP (left part) or SMV-GFP (right part). Each experiment was repeated 3 times with at least 30 technical replicates. GFP was visualized under hand-held UV lamp (Wavelength = 365 nm) at 5 dpi. N, tobacco N protein. HA-SRC7, HA tag was fused at N-terminus of full-length SRC7. SRC7-HA, HA tag was fused at C-terminus of full-length SRC7. HA tag was also fused at C-terminus of five truncations. EV, empty vector. C, Western blot analysis of protein expression. The above samples were used for detection of recombinant protein expression via anti-HA antibody. Standard protein markers are indicated on right. Nicotianabenthamiana actin level was detected via anti-actin antibody for internal control. D, Western blot analysis of SRC7-HA in Ox-SRC7 (overexpression) transgenic plants. Leaf tissue was harvested for total protein isolation and the recombinant SRC7-HA expression was detected via anti-HA antibody. Standard protein markers are indicated on right. Actin level was detected via anti-actin antibody for internal control. “+” indicates transgenic plant and “-” represents wild-type plant. E, Virus inoculation and symptom detection in N. benthamiana. Nicotiana benthamiana leaves were inoculated with three different viruses, and virus infection was visualized by GFP detection at different dpi as indicated. Wt: wild-type N. benthamiana. Mock: virus-free control. F, Virus inoculation and symptom detection in potato. Potato leaves were sap inoculated with PVY, and virus symptom was recorded at different dpi as indicated. Wt: wild-type potato cv Shepody. Mock: negative sap control. G, Virus inoculation and symptom detection in soybean. Soybean leaves were sap inoculated with SMV, and virus symptoms were recorded at 20 dpi. Wt: wild-type soybean cv Williams 82. Whole plant and representative leaf symptoms are shown. The results for T0 plants are shown on the left panel and those for T1 plant are shown on the right part.



